
Recycle, upcycle, or donate your unwanted items

What is RePurposeful?

Welcome to RePurposeful, your ultimate guide to giving unwanted items a new life, or finding the correct disposal for your hard rubbish. Whether you want to recycle responsibly, upcycle creatively, or donate to those in need, this website has information for you. Designed for those in Merri-Bek council, in Melbourne's North, you'll find plenty of information here to be more sustainable, whilst removing the guess work.

Why should we care?

In 2019/2020, around 112,000 tonnes of hard waste was collected in Victoria, Australia alone. This amounts to an average of 51kg of hard rubbish per household. Hard rubbish refers to large items that usually cannot be disposed of in regular garbage collections. This includes furniture, appliances, electronics, batteries, paints, building materials, and other bulky items. Explore this website to help you discover local locations and resources for getting rid of your hard waste in a responsible manner, and reducing the amount of hard rubbish ending up in landfill sites. Let's work together to turn trash into treasures and build find the right disposal points for items that are no longer useful.

What shouldn't go in landfill

Many common household goods and larger bulky items can't go into landfill because they cannot break down, and some items can even be a fire hazard. Items not destined for landfill can include aluminium cans, batteries, oil, tyres, building materials, ink cartridges, styrofoam, and more. Finding alternative destinations for these items will reduce the amount of waste in landfill and promote normal breakdown of biodegradable items.

Let's get started

Head to the search page to enter your items and discover where they can go.